2 thoughts on “Rete: Broadway Boogie Woogie”

  1. Broadway Boogie Woogie, across the cartesian landscape that is Manhattan, in a 43rd Street neon bar, a couple of hours in front of the stage, some jewels on 47th, up and down, the RETE of Times Square and beyond. Mondrian paints the scene from far above.

  2. http://volkskrant.com/oog/client/index.php?artworkId=214

    I found this visual answer to what may have moved Mondrian to paint “Victory Boogie Woogie.” The artists Willem van den Hoed and Piet Westendorp introduce their exploration by posing three questions about Mondrian’s inspiration for this piece: A triumphant answer to the Second World War? Thé image of victory of joie de vivre and freedom? Or did Mondrian fly in a plane across Manhattan? I’m not sure these questions needed to be asked, though the pilot’s “Are you alright?” adds a haunting touch to the visual interpretation…

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